Scientists Confirm 'Cyclops Shark' Is Real
Scientists have confirmed that a one-eyed albino 'cyclops' shark discovered earlier this year is indeed real. The shark was found to have only one eye in the middle of its face and lacking the usual grey colour, after it was removed from the womb of its mother, a dusky shark. Shocked fisherman Enrique Lucero León caught the female dusky shark earlier this year. To his amazement he found the deformed shark embryo along with its nine regularly developed siblings. 'This is extremely rare,' said biologist Felipe Galván-Magaña, of the Interdisciplinary Center of Marine Sciences in La Paz, Mexico.
'As far as I know, less than 50 examples of an abnormality like this have been recorded.' Scientists thoroughly examined the shark, confirming that it was a genuine birth deformity as the embryo suffered cyclopia, a condition also found in several mammals including humans. This meant that the shark did not survive for long outside of the womb. Galván-Magaña and his colleagues have come across many other 'different' looking shark embryos during their years of research.
The team discovered a two-headed shark that had failed to develop separately. In 2005 the internet buzzed about the image of a cyclops kitten, conveniently named Cy. There was much speculation about the authenticity of the image but it was revealed that the kitten was indeed a furry reality, as another sufferer of cyclopia. Several human bodies of cycploia suffers are exhibited in museums across the world.

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